The Bourne Identity (2002)

Thrill makers: Whooo Arrrre Yoooouu?

Show Notes

Free Palestine Sometimes you wake up on a fishing boat and you don’t know who you are. If this has happened to you, consider yourself in good company, alongside Matt Damon in this week’s movie, the Bourne Identity from 2002. It does matter who you keep close to you, and when that person is a desperate drifter with a tiny car, keep your head on a swivel because she doesn’t know what she wants and she has zero sense of self-preservation. Another life tip from this movie is if Brian Cox is your boss, you in danger girl. Recommendations: The 3 Body Problem (Netflix); Vaccines (your doctor or CVS) Next up: The Ring (2002) – AMC+ Email us at [email protected] Find Amity @ Our Facebook group is here for those who consent: